
For all levels and interests

Whakatāne High School provides a wide range of sporting opportunities for students and has one of the highest sports participation rates of students and staff in the Bay of Plenty.

Sport offers the opportunity for students to form relationships, improve skills, challenge themselves and create memories. Whakatāne High School has a strong working relationship with the local community and local clubs which ensures that a wide range of sporting options are available to our students.

Whakatāne High School teams compete at local, regional and national levels, with the highlight for many teams being the opportunity to attend summer and winter tournament weeks.
Whakatāne High School has a proud history of sporting success, with a number of individuals and teams gaining regional, national and international recognition through the years. Some of our former students continue to excel on the world stage. Parents who are able to assist as coaches or managers are encouraged to do so by contacting the Director of Sport: or the Sports Co-ordinator Renske Forsyth on

Contact list

Click here for a list of all the Code-Coordinators within the school, these are the staff members to get in touch with if you have any questions around a specific sport


Follow our Sports at Whakatane High School Facebook page for draws and updates:

The range of sports offered include:
Adventure, Racing, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Chess, Cross Country, Equestrian, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Ki o Rahi, Lawn Bowls, Mountain Biking, Motocross, Multisport, Netball, Orienteering, Rowing, Rugby, Running, Skiing, Snowboarding, Squash, Surfing, Surf Lifesaving, Swimming, Tennis, Touch, Triathlon/Duathlon, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Walking, Waka Ama.


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