Cybersafety agreement
Student Cybersafety Use Agreement
Please make sure you read and understand the information contained in the booklet before you sign the Student Cybersafety Use Agreement. If you are not sure of what you are reading, ask your parents/caregivers or your teacher.
Click here to download Cybersafety Use Agreement PDF.
Click here to download Cybersafety booklet.
All Whakatane High School students are enabled to become positive digital citizens.
Digital citizenship combines the confident use of:
- Skills and strategies to access technology to communicate, connect, collaborate, and create
- Attitudes, underpinned by values that support personal integrity and positive connection with others
- Understanding and knowledge of the digital environments and contexts in which they are working, and how they integrate on/offline spaces.
And then, critically, for students to have the ability to draw on this competency of "digital fluency" to participate in life-enhancing opportunities (social, economic, cultural, civil) and achieve their goals in ways that make an important difference.
Families will receive a Cybersafety Use Agreement to sign at enrolment and be provided with additional Cybersafety information and development offered by Whakatane High School.
Netsafe are a source of useful information for staying safe online. They have published a booklet through their website, in association with Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Microsoft and Trade Me, about how to protect users’ privacy.
Download or print a copy today: Staying Safe Online: Cybersafety tips from NZ’s leading online companies (PDF)
To the student and the primary caregiver:
- Please read this page carefully, to check you understand your responsibilities under this agreement
- Sign the appropriate section on this form and return with your enrolment
- Keep the blue booklet for future reference
We understand that Whakatane High School will:
- Keep the school cybersafe, by maintaining an effective cybersafety programme. This includes working to restrict access to inappropriate, harmful or illegal material on the Internet or school ICT equipment/devices at school or at school-related activities, and enforcing the cybersafety regulations and responsibilities detailed in the use agreements
- Keep a copy of this signed use agreement form on file
- Respond appropriately to any breaches of the use agreements
- Provide members of the school community with cybersafety education designed to complement and support the use agreement initiative
- Welcome enquiries from students or parents about cybersafety issues
Student responsibilities include:
- I will read this Student Cybersafety Use Agreement document carefully
- I will follow the cybersafety rules and instructions whenever I use the school’s computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other school ICT equipment/devices
- I will adhere to the age limit rules and appropriate behaviour expectations on all sites
- I will also follow the cybersafety rules whenever I am involved with BYOD and ICT devices/equipment on the school site or at any school-related activity, regardless of its location
- I will avoid any involvement with material or activities which could put at risk my own safety, or the privacy, safety or security of the school or other members of the school community
- I will ask permission from students, staff and anyone on the school grounds before using or posting photos or videos. I will comply with general cybersafety rules relating to the use of images if I am offsite.
- I will take proper care of computers and other school ICT equipment/devices. I know that if I have been involved in the damage, loss or theft of ICT equipment/devices, my family may have responsibility for the cost of repairs or replacement
- I will ask the relevant staff member if I am not sure about anything to do with this agreement
BYOD Policy: Click Here For Download (PDF)