Message from the Principal
E ngā reo, e ngā mana, rau rangatira mā, ngā matā waka, tēnei te mihi nui atu ki ā koutou katoa. Ko te wawata me te tumanako ka noho ora mai koutou katoa.
My name is Martyn Knapton and I am privileged and excited to be the Principal of Whakatāne High School. I am proud of our wonderful team of teachers, support staff and student leaders who work to make our school the growing and thriving school it is.
My educational philosophy is that schools should be communities of difference. What happens in schools should shape positive outcomes and changes for students so that they are prepared to thrive in life beyond school.
We believe that at Whakatane High School, relationships, belonging and participation are crucial. Strong relationships are the glue that keeps us strong together. Belonging and participation through Te Aka Maatua, House sports, sports teams and student leadership opportunities strengthen our school culture and the identity of our young people. I encourage every young person to get to know students and staff in their classes and to get involved in the huge range of opportunities the school offers outside of the classroom.
We believe in quality teaching and that communities deserve the best from teachers, they are our Tāonga, and quality teaching is our goal. By expecting the best, caring for and developing teacher capability, we also get the best for our children.
We believe that learning and school need to be connected to students, parents and whanau, as real partnerships make our community stronger. Students who are connected to their learning, with learning that is deep (high levels of challenge), and where students feel cared for, raises levels of engagement and achievement. I encourage parents to get involved in the wider school life, attend events that support their child’s learning, engage with their child’s reports and provide feedback on what we can do to strengthen our school.
Like all of our teachers, I look forward to getting to know your child over the coming years and getting to know you, as parents and a member of the Whakatāne High School community.
Ngā mihi nui
Martyn Knapton