KAMAR Portal
About the KAMAR Portal
Welcome to the Whakatane High School Student and Parent KAMAR Portal where both students and caregivers are able to access key school information. The portal contains information about student academic progress, class timetables, school fees etc.
Click the icon below and follow the prompts to enter your login and password information.
If you are unsure about your login details, please contact the school at 308 8251 or email: admin@whakatanehigh.school.nz
KAMAR Portal
Click here to access WHS bank account details and school fees information
If you are using a Portal bookmark from our former website, and are experiencing accessibility issues, please re-try by deleting your browsing history and clearing your cached pages (hit F5 key a few times). Then delete the old bookmark and bookmark the new page: https://www.whakatanehigh.school.nz/parent-portal. You may need to reload the page several times. If you are still experiencing problems, please call our eHub Team on 07 923 4223.