End of year NCEA Exams
5 November to 29 November 2024
Here you will find the dates for Senior exams this year. |
Exam Tutorials
During the exam period, we are holding a number of different tutorials.
Here's the tutorial timetable
If you have less than 60 credits, have internals to complete or do not have L1 Literacy and/or Numeracy, you will have received an email about attending catch-ups during exam leave.
Level 1 students are to meet in the Library
Level 2 students are to meet in B2
Level 3 students are to meet in the Careers Room
All exams are in the hall unless you are told otherwise.
Morning exams start at 9.30am, so please meet outside your venue at 9.10am to allow time to get everybody seated.
Afternoon exams start at 2pm, so please meet at 1.40pm outside the back of the hall or the classroom you are in.
You MUST have an exam admission slip. If you don't have one, come early and get one printed from Mrs McKane.
Special Assessments Condition students please meet outside the Library.
You MUST be in School Uniform to be on school grounds - either for exams or Tutorials
No talking once you enter the Hall or Classroom
No phones or digital watches allowed
Please bring a calculator if you need it for your exam
Bags outside in the Music corridor
Clear bag or pens etc - you CAN NOT write in pencil
No Food - but you can take water in a clear bottle
Check, double check and triple check the school instagram page the night before/and morning to check where your exam is and what time you need to arrive.
If you have a clash please talk to your mentor teacher or subject teacher and decide when you are going to sit these exams.
If you have a digital exam please CHARGE your chromebook and bring it to the exam fully charged!!!!!
Leaving the exam - you can not leave until after 45 mins and then every 30mins minutes after that - depending on the length of your Exam
If you are in school during the school day, you are in an exam or a tutorial during class time - NOWHERE ELSE
Good luck to all students sitting exams!